Alcohol Detox Enzyme in Sober Rush Pro Boosts metabolization of alcohol 3 times for alcohol detox while drinking, better hangover remedy and liver health,Reduce chances of alcoholic liver, liver Detox,Hangover
SAFETY: Sober Rush Pro made in at US GMP and NSF certified facility. NADH patented Formula. The only PCT-patent innovative product in the world(PCT Global Patent: No.US2021/25672). non-TCM, Zero Calories, Zero Carbs, Zero Sugar, Gluten-Free, Caffeine-Free, Stimulant-free, Non-NSAID. All products are 3rd Party tested to the highest standards for quality and safety.
DOCTOR-DEVELOPED: The team of PhDs MD combined own vast medical knowledge of how the human body reacts to and metabolizes after party with cutting edge global research to create Sober Rush Pro. 5 doctor-selected vitamins and NADH to support toxin metabolism after party smart, promote liver aid, Morning recovery and cheers PartySmart
Helping you enjoy party: Sober Rush Pro accelerate the toxin metabolism, relieve the discomforts after party smart MUCH faster, better CLEAR mind the next morning and continue traveling. For best results, take 2 pills 15 minute before your party. Hydration and Water ONLY eliminate the tireness and the thirsty. Take Sober Rush Pro pills with liquid iv for the optimal results. For daily liver protection, add Sober Rush Pro into your daily routine.
Working Principle: Sober Rush Pro can activate body’s enzyme to increase the metabolism of toxin up to 3 times without side effects. It reduces 90% of the toxins. If Sober Rush Pro invalid Money-Back guarantee.
Instruction: Sober Rush Pro is on a mission to bring people together by promoting responsible, fun, health-conscious life. it gives your liver a little hand as well. The BEST & FUN gift for any event such as Wedding, Christmas, Bachelorette parties or Birthday.
Take one serving on an empty stomach 15 minutes before drinking and two pills after drinking for optimal liver protection and to bounce back the next day.